New QuATOMs group member

During the last year, Esin Aylin Melan worked hard at her MSc Thesis within the QuATOMs group. Her research focus was centered on the impact of strain on the zero-phonon-line of the GeV color center in diamond. This work she presented, together with Thijs van Wijk, at the SBDD conference in Hasselt, and was presented as well at both the BPS and EMRS spring meeting of 2024. Before the summer she gave her (very good and enthusiastic) final presentation of the MSc thesis results, bringing her first real research project to good end. (Paper will follow later 🙂 )

Recently, she also received the great news that she was awarded a bilateral PhD Scholarship between UHasselt & UNamur. So from September first, she has started working on the modeling of color centers in diamond and oxides for the coming four years. Welcome to the QuATOMs team, and congratulations on the scholarship. We look forward to the enthusiasm and insights you’ll bring to the team.

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