Tag: DFT

New QuATOMs group member

During the last year, Esin Aylin Melan worked hard at her MSc Thesis within the QuATOMs group. Her research focus was centered on the impact of strain on the zero-phonon-line of the GeV color center in diamond. This work she presented, together with Thijs van Wijk, at the SBDD conference in Hasselt, and was presented as well at both the BPS and EMRS spring meeting of 2024. Before the summer she gave her (very good and enthusiastic) final presentation of the MSc thesis results, bringing her first real research project to good end. (Paper will follow later 🙂 )

Recently, she also received the great news that she was awarded a bilateral PhD Scholarship between UHasselt & UNamur. So from September first, she has started working on the modeling of color centers in diamond and oxides for the coming four years. Welcome to the QuATOMs team, and congratulations on the scholarship. We look forward to the enthusiasm and insights you’ll bring to the team.

Permanent link to this article: https://dannyvanpoucke.be/new-quatoms-group-member/

First-principles investigation of hydrogen-related reactions on (100)–(2×1)∶H diamond surfaces

Authors: Emerick Y. Guillaum, Danny E. P. Vanpoucke, Rozita Rouzbahani, Luna Pratali Maffei, Matteo Pelucchi, Yoann Olivier, Luc Henrard, & Ken Haenen
Journal: Carbon 222, 118949 (2024)
doi: 10.1016/j.carbon.2024.118949
IF(2022): 10.9
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pdf: <Carbon>


Graphical Abstract for Carbon publication on the adsorption of H onto diamond.
Graphical Abstract: (left) Ball-and-stick representation of aH adsorption/desorption reaction mediated through a H radical. (right) Monte Carlo estimates of the H coverage of the diamond surface at different temperatures based on quantum mechanically determined reaction barriers and reaction rates.


Hydrogen radical attacks and subsequent hydrogen migrations are considered to play an important role in the atomic-scale mechanisms of diamond chemical vapour deposition growth. We perform a comprehensive analysis of the reactions involving H-radical and vacancies on H-passivated diamond surfaces exposed to hydrogen radical-rich atmosphere. By means of first principles calculations—density functional theory and climbing image nudged elastic band method—transition states related to these mechanisms are identified and characterised. In addition, accurate reaction rates are computed using variational transition state theory. Together, these methods provide—for a broad range of temperatures and hydrogen radical concentrations—a picture of the relative likelihood of the migration or radical attack processes, along with a statistical description of the hydrogen coverage fraction of the (100) H-passivated surface, refining earlier results via a more thorough analysis of the processes at stake. Additionally, the migration of H-vacancy is shown to be anisotropic, and occurring preferentially across the dimer rows of the reconstructed surface. The approach used in this work can be generalised to other crystallographic orientations of diamond surfaces or other semiconductors.

Permanent link to this article: https://dannyvanpoucke.be/2024-paper-hadsorption-emerick-en/

Cover Nature Reviews Physics

Authors: Emanuele Bosoni, Louis Beal, Marnik Bercx, Peter Blaha, Stefan BlĂŒgel, Jens Bröder, Martin Callsen, Stefaan Cottenier, Augustin Degomme, Vladimir Dikan, Kristjan Eimre, Espen Flage-Larsen, Marco Fornari, Alberto Garcia, Luigi Genovese, Matteo Giantomassi, Sebastiaan P. Huber, Henning Janssen, Georg Kastlunger, Matthias Krack, Georg Kresse, Thomas D. KĂŒhne, Kurt Lejaeghere, Georg K. H. Madsen, Martijn Marsman, Nicola Marzari, Gregor Michalicek, Hossein Mirhosseini, Tiziano M. A. MĂŒller, Guido Petretto, Chris J. Pickard, Samuel PoncĂ©, Gian-Marco Rignanese, Oleg Rubel, Thomas Ruh, Michael Sluydts, Danny E.P. Vanpoucke, Sudarshan Vijay, Michael Wolloch, Daniel Wortmann, Aliaksandr V. Yakutovich, Jusong Yu, Austin Zadoks, Bonan Zhu, and Giovanni Pizzi
Journal: Nature Reviews Physics 6(1), (2024)
doi: web only
IF(2021): 36.273
export: NA
pdf: <NatRevPhys>


The cover of this issue shows an artistic representation of the equations of state of the periodic table elements, calculated using two all-electron codes in each of the 10 crystal structure configurations shown on the table. The cover image is based on the Perspective Article How to verify the precision of density-functional-theory implementations via reproducible and universal workflows by E. Bosoni et al., https://doi.org/10.1038/s42254-023-00655-3.  (The related paper can be found here.)

Cover Nature Reviews Physics: Accuracy of DFT modeling in solids


Permanent link to this article: https://dannyvanpoucke.be/paper2024_accuracycover-en/

How to verify the precision of density-functional-theory implementations via reproducible and universal workflows

Authors: Emanuele Bosoni, Louis Beal, Marnik Bercx, Peter Blaha, Stefan BlĂŒgel, Jens Bröder, Martin Callsen, Stefaan Cottenier, Augustin Degomme, Vladimir Dikan, Kristjan Eimre, Espen Flage-Larsen, Marco Fornari, Alberto Garcia, Luigi Genovese, Matteo Giantomassi, Sebastiaan P. Huber, Henning Janssen, Georg Kastlunger, Matthias Krack, Georg Kresse, Thomas D. KĂŒhne, Kurt Lejaeghere, Georg K. H. Madsen, Martijn Marsman, Nicola Marzari, Gregor Michalicek, Hossein Mirhosseini, Tiziano M. A. MĂŒller, Guido Petretto, Chris J. Pickard, Samuel PoncĂ©, Gian-Marco Rignanese, Oleg Rubel, Thomas Ruh, Michael Sluydts, Danny E.P. Vanpoucke, Sudarshan Vijay, Michael Wolloch, Daniel Wortmann, Aliaksandr V. Yakutovich, Jusong Yu, Austin Zadoks, Bonan Zhu, and Giovanni Pizzi
Journal: Nature Reviews Physics 6(1), 45-58 (2024)
doi: 10.1038/s42254-023-00655-3
IF(2021): 36.273
export: bibtex
pdf: <NatRevPhys>


“We hope our dataset will be a reference for the field for years to come,” says Giovanni Pizzi, leader of the Materials Software and Data Group at the Paul Scherrer Institute PSI, who led the study. (Image: Paul Scherrer Insitute / Giovanni Pizzi)
Graphical Abstract: “We hope our dataset will be a reference for the field for years to come,” says Giovanni Pizzi, leader of the Materials Software and Data Group at the Paul Scherrer Institute PSI, who led the study. (Image: Paul Scherrer Insitute / Giovanni Pizzi)


Density-functional theory methods and codes adopting periodic boundary conditions are extensively used in condensed matter physics and materials science research. In 2016, their precision (how well properties computed with different codes agree among each other) was systematically assessed on elemental crystals: a first crucial step to evaluate the reliability of such computations. In this Expert Recommendation, we discuss recommendations for verification studies aiming at further testing precision and transferability of density-functional-theory computational approaches and codes. We illustrate such recommendations using a greatly expanded protocol covering the whole periodic table from Z = 1 to 96 and characterizing 10 prototypical cubic compounds for each element: four unaries and six oxides, spanning a wide range of coordination numbers and oxidation states. The primary outcome is a reference dataset of 960 equations of state cross-checked between two all-electron codes, then used to verify and improve nine pseudopotential-based approaches. Finally, we discuss the extent to which the current results for total energies can be reused for different goals.

Permanent link to this article: https://dannyvanpoucke.be/paper-aiidaconsortium2023-en/

Materiomics Chronicles: week 8

After the complexities of week seven, week eight brings the last lecture week of the first quarter of the academic year. After this week, the students of our materiomics program at UHasselt will start studying for a first batch of exams. It also means with this week, their basic courses come to an end and they have all been brought up to speed and to a similar level, needed for the continuation of their study in the materiomics program.

In the bachelor program, the third bachelor chemistry students ended their detailed study of the He atom in the course quantum and computational chemistry with the investigation of its excited states. They learned about the splitting of in singlet and triplet states as well as Fermi-holes and heaps.


Vulcano-plot of small data model quality of model instances in a large ensemble. Taken from our paperSmall Data Materials Design with Machine Learning: When the Average Model Knows Best“, J. Appl. Phys. 128, 054901 (2020)

The first mater materiomics students got their last lecture in the course Fundamentals of materials modeling, where we looked into some examples of application of machine learning in materials research. We also brought all levels of the course together and imagined how to link these in a multiscale project. Starting from the example of a windmill we discussed the application of computational materials modeling at different scales. For the course Properties of functional materials, the third and final presentation and discussion was held, now focusing on characterization methods. The second master students had response lectures for the courses on Density Functional Theory and Machine learning and artificial intelligence in modern materials science where the various topics of the self study were discussed (e.g., concepts of Neural Networks in case of the latter).

At the end of this week, we have added another 8h of live lectures, putting our semester total at 99h of live lectures. With the workload of the first master materiomics coming to an end, the following chronicles will be biweekly. Upwards and onward to week 9&10.


Permanent link to this article: https://dannyvanpoucke.be/materiomics-chronicles-week-8/

Materiomics Chronicles: week 6

After surviving week five, the sixth week of the academic year feels almost relaxing. However, all the effort is worth it, and I was happy to hear the students of our materiomics program at UHasselt appreciate the effort put into creating their classes, during an evaluation meeting.

The evolution of the Z position of a Be atom on Graphene. Periodic cell with 10 Angstrom vacuum along z direction. Z position is given in direct coordinates (0...1), with the graphene sheet positioned at z=0 (=1). The Be atom is van der Waals bonded, and moves through the vacuum to attach to the "bottom" side of the sheet, though originally positioned at the "top" side.

The evolution of the Z position of a Be atom on Graphene. Periodic cell with 10 Angstrom vacuum along z direction. Z position is given in direct coordinates (0…1), with the graphene sheet positioned at z=0 (=1). The Be atom is van der Waals bonded, and moves through the vacuum to attach to the “bottom” side of the sheet, though originally positioned at the “top” side.

Though the week was not as intense as the week before does not mean there were no classes at all. The second bachelor students in chemistry continued their studies of particles in simple potentials though the study of a particle in a square infinite potential well during the course introduction to quantum chemistry. During the course quantum and computational chemistry, the third bachelor chemistry, the He atom was now studied by means of the variational method, introducing the concepts of effective nuclear charge and shielding in a natural way.

While the bachelor students could take a backseat approach during the lectures (except for calculating some bbracket integrals), the master materiomics students had to do most of the heavy lifting during their classes. For the course on Density Functional Theory there was response lecture as well as a lab-session where they studied the dynamics of Be on and around graphene, while the first master students had their second presentation & discussion session on the computational aspects of the papers studied in the course Properties of functional materials.

At the end of this week, we added another 11h of live classes and ~2h of video lectures, putting our semester total at 85h of live lectures. Upwards and onward to week 7.

Permanent link to this article: https://dannyvanpoucke.be/materiomics-chronicles-week-6/

Materiomics Chronicles: week 3

In week three of the academic year at the chemistry and materiomics programs of UHasselt, the students started to put their freshly gained new knowledge of weeks 1 and 2 into practice with a number of exercise classes.

For the second bachelor chemistry students, this meant performing their first calculations within the context of the course introduction to quantum chemistry. At this point this is still very mathematical (e.g., calculating commutators) and abstract (e.g., normalizing a wave function or calculating the probability of finding a particle, given a simple wave function), but this will change, and chemical/physical meaning will slowly be introduced into the mathematical formalism. For the third bachelor chemistry, the course quantum and computational chemistry continued with perturbation theory, and we started with the variational method as well. The latter was introduced through the example of the H atom, for which the exact variational ground state was recovered starting from a well chosen trial wave function.

Infinite polymethylene glycol (POM) chain.

Ball-and-stick representation of an infinite polymethylene glycol (POM) chain.

In the master materiomics, the first master course fundamentals of materials modelling, dove into the details underpinning DFT introducing concepts like pseudo-potentials, the frozen-core approximation, periodic boundary conditions etc. This knowledge was then put into practice during a second exercise session working on the supercomputer, as a last preparation for the practical lab exercise the following day. During this lab, the students used the supercomputer to calculate the Young modulus of two infinite linear polymers. An intense practical session which they all executed with great courage (remember 2 weeks ago they never heard of DFT, nor had they accessed a supercomputer). Their report for this practical will be part of their grade.

For the second master materiomics, the course focused on Density Functional Theory consisted of a discussion lecture, covering the topics the students studied during their self study assignments. In addition, I recorded two video lectures for the blended learning part of the course. For the course Machine learning and artificial intelligence in modern materials science self study topics were covered in such a discussion lecture as well. In addition, the QM9 data set was investigated during an exercise session, as preparation for further detailed study.

At the end of this week, we have added another 16h of live lectures and ~1h of video lectures, putting our semester total at 35h of live lectures. Upwards and onward to week 4.

Permanent link to this article: https://dannyvanpoucke.be/materiomics-chronicles-week-3/

Materiomics Chronicles: week 2

After the more gentle introductions last week during the first lectures at UHasselt, this week we dove into the deep end.

For the students of the second bachelor chemistry  the course introduction to quantum chemistry dove into the postulates of quantum chemistry. They learned about the wave-function and operators, had their first contact with the mystics notation of quantum chemistry: the bra-ket notation. For the third bachelor chemistry, the course quantum and computational chemistry was centered around perturbation theory. In addition to the theory, we applied the method to the simple system of the infinite square potential.

The electron density in the primitive diamond unit cell.

In the master materiomics the course fundamentals of materials modeling was kicked into high gear, not only did the students learn the theory behind quantum mechanical modelling, they also had their fist experience on the supercomputers of the VSC. So in addition to the road from the standard Schrödinger equation to the Hohenberg-Kohn-Sham equations of DFT, they also traveled their first steps along the road from their somewhat familiar windows OS to the bash command-line environment of the HPC unix system.

Finally, as the course introduction into quantum chemistry is part of the preparatory program of the master materiomics, I started creating the narrated versions of those lectures as well (2h worth recording, corresponding to 4h of live lectures). As the available time is limited, we are going for single shot recordings which makes things exciting in that department as well.

At the end of this week, we have added another 7h of live lectures and 2h of video lectures, putting our semester total at 19h of lectures. Upwards and onward to week 3.

Permanent link to this article: https://dannyvanpoucke.be/materiomics-chronicles-week-2/

Hydration sphere structure of architectural molecules: polyethylene glycol and polyoxymethylene oligomers

Authors: Ahmed M. Rozza, Danny E. P. Vanpoucke, Eva-Maria Krammer, Julie Bouckaert, Ralf Blossey, Marc F. Lensink, Mary Jo Ondrechen, Imre BakĂł, Julianna OlĂĄh, and Goedele Roos
Journal: Journal of Molecular Liquids 384, 122172 (2023)
doi: 10.1016/j.molliq.2023.122172
IF(2021): 6.633
export: bibtex
pdf: <JMolLiq>


Graphical Abstract: PEG or POM, similar in structure though very different in their solvation. Is this due to structure or charge(distribution)?


Non-toxic, chemically inert, organic polymers as polyethylene glycol (PEG) and polyoxymethylene (POM) have versatile applications in basic research, industry and pharmacy. In this work, we aim to characterize the hydration structure of PEG and POM oligomers by exploring how the solute disturbs the water structure compared to the bulk solvent and how the solute chain interacts with the solvent. We explore the effect of (i) the C-C-O (PEG) versus CO (POM) constitution of the chain and (ii) chain length. To this end, MD simulations followed by clustering and topological analysis of the hydration network, as well as by quantum
mechanical calculations of atomic charges are used. We show that the hydration varies with chain conformation and length. The degree of folding of the chain impacts its degree of solvation, which is measurable by different parameters as for example the number of water molecules in the first solvation shell and the solvent accessible surface. Atomic charges calculated on the oligomers in gas phase are stable throughout conformation and chain length and seem not to determine solvation. Hydration however induces charge transfer from the solute molecule to the solvent, which depends on the degree of hydration.


Permanent link to this article: https://dannyvanpoucke.be/paper-roosg_peg-en/

On the influence of water on THz vibrational spectral features of molecular crystals

Authors: Sergey Mitryukovskiy, Danny E. P. Vanpoucke, Yue Bai, Théo Hannotte, Mélanie Lavancier, Djamila Hourlier, Goedele Roos and Romain Peretti
Journal: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 24, 6107-6125 (2022)
doi: 10.1039/D1CP03261E
IF(2020): 3.676
export: bibtex
pdf: <PCCP>


Graphical Abstract: Comparison of the measured THz spectrum of 3 phases of Lactose-Monohydrate to the calculated spectra for several Lactose configurations with varying water content.


The nanoscale structure of molecular assemblies plays a major role in many (”)-biological mechanisms. Molecular crystals are one of the most simple of these assemblies and are widely used in a variety of applications from pharmaceuticals and agrochemicals, to nutraceuticals and cosmetics. The collective vibrations in such molecular crystals can be probed using terahertz spectroscopy, providing unique characteristic spectral fingerprints. However, the association of the spectral features to the crystal conformation, crystal phase and its environment is a difficult task. We present a combined computational-experimental study on the incorporation of water in lactose molecular crystals, and show how simulations can be used to associate spectral features in the THz region to crystal conformations and phases. Using periodic DFT simulations of lactose molecular crystals, the role of water in the observed lactose THz spectrum is clarified, presenting both direct and indirect contributions. A specific experimental setup is built to allow the controlled heating and corresponding dehydration of the sample, providing the monitoring of the crystal phase transformation dynamics. Besides the observation that lactose phases and phase transformation appear to be more complex than previously thought – including several crystal forms in a single phase and a non-negligible water content in the so-called anhydrous phase – we draw two main conclusions from this study. Firstly, THz modes are spread over more than one molecule and require periodic computation rather than a gas-phase one. Secondly, hydration water does not only play a perturbative role but also participates in the facilitation of the THz vibrations.

The 0.5THz finger-print mode of alpha-Lactose Monohydrate.

The 0.5 THz finger-print mode of alpha-lactose monohydrate.

Permanent link to this article: https://dannyvanpoucke.be/paper-lactosethz_romain-en/