Congratulations with your 100000000Bth follower Sylvia

For my favorite science-communicator and philosopher of science: Sylvia Wenmackers, congratulations with your 100000000Bth follower on twitter.

It all started just over 4 years ago with a blog on your own webpage, which quickly was accompanied by a blog on scilogs. This in turn lead to a column in EOS, and lately you have been expanding your influence through radio and newspaper (de standaard) contributions (as it is described in the scientific conference language). You are great at explaining things you are enthusiastic about ( something you showed during famelab Belgium) and an excellent writer (FQXi first-prize).

To measure your steep road to science-communicator fame I have a small present for you:

Small present.

Small present.

(Hint: It is not an ugly garden statue, for that you need two bits more 🙂 )

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