Last Friday, the HPC infrastructure in Flanders got celebrated by the VSC user day. Being one of the Tier-1 supercomputer users at UHasselt, I was asked if I could present a poster at the meeting, showcasing the things I do here. Although I was very interested in this event, educational obligations (the presentations of the bachelor projects, on which I will post later) prevented me from attending the meeting.
As means of a compromise, I created a poster for the meeting which Geert Jan Bex, our local VSC/HPC support team, would be so nice to put up at the event. The poster session was preceded by a set of 1-minute presentations of the posters, for which a slide had to be made. As I could not be physically present, I provided the organizers a slide which contained a short description that could be used as the 1-minute presentation. Unfortunately, things got a little mixed up, as Geert Jan accidentally printed this slide as the poster (which gave rise to some difficulties in the printing process 🙄 ). So for those who might have had an interest in the actual poster, let me put it up here:
This poster presents my work on linker functionalisation of the MIL-47, which got recently published in the Journal of physical chemistry C, and the diamond work on the C-vacancy, which is currently submitted. Clicking on the poster above will provide you the full size image. The 1-minute slide presentation, which erroneously got printed as poster: