Danny Vanpoucke

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VASP-tutor: Convergence testing…step 0 in any computational project.

One of the main differences between theory and computational research is the fact that the latter has to deal with finite resources; mainly time and storage. Where theoretical calculations involve integrations over continuous spaces, infinite sums and basis sets, computational work performs numerical integrations as weighted sums over finite grids and cuts of infinite series. As an infinite number of operations would take an infinite amount of time, it is clear why numerical evaluations are truncated. If the contributions of an infinite series become smaller and smaller, it is also clear that at some point the contributions will become smaller than the numerical accuracy, so continuation beyond that point is …pointless.

In case of ab initio quantum mechanical calculations, we aim to get as accurate results at an as low computational cost as possible. Even with the current availability of computational resources, an infinite sum would still take an infinite amount of time. In addition, although parallelization can help out a lot in getting access to additional computational resources during the same amount of real time, codes are not infinitely parallel, so at some point adding more CPU’s will no longer speed up the calculations. Two important parameters in quantum mechanical calculations to play with are the basis set size (Or kinetic energy cut off, in case of plane wave basis sets. In which case this can also be related to the real space integration grid) and the integration grid for the reciprocal space (the k-point grid).

These two parameters are not unique to VASP, they are present in all quantum mechanical codes, but we will use VASP as an example here. The example system we will use is the α-phase of Cerium, using the PBE functional. The default cut-off energy used by VASP is 299 eV.

1.     Basis set size/Kinetic energy cut-off

What a basis set is and how it is defined depends strongly on the code. As such you are referred to the manual/tutorials of your code of interest.(VASP workshop) One important thing to remember, however, is the fact that although a plane wave basis set is “nicely behaved” (bigger basis = more accurate result) this is not true for all types of basis sets (Gaussian basis sets are an important example here).

How do you perform a convergence test?

  1. Get a geometry of your system of interest.

    This does not need to be a fully optimized geometry, an experimental geometry or a reasonable manually constructed geometry will do fine, as long as it gives you a converged result at the end of your static calculation. A convergence test should not depend on the exact geometry of your system. Rather it should tell you how well your setting converges your result with regard to the energy found on the potential energy surface.

  2. Fix all other settings

    (to reasonable values, although the settings should—to make your life somewhat sane—be independent with regard to convergence testing).
    VASP specific parameters of importance:

    • PREC : should be at least normal, but high or accurate are also possible
    • EDIFF : a value of 1.0E-6 to 1.0E-8 are reasonable for small systems. Note that this value should be much smaller than the accuracy you wish to obtain.
    • NSW = 0; IBRION = -1 : It should be static calculations.
    • ISPIN : If you intend to perform spin polarized calculations, you should also include this in your convergence tests. Yes it increases the computational cost, but remember that convergence tests will only take a fraction of the computational costs of your project, and can save you a lot of work and resources later on.
    • NBANDS : You may want to manually fix the number of electronic bands, which will allow for comparison of timing results.
    • LCHARG = .TRUE. ; ICHARG = 1: If you are not that interested in timing (or use average time of electronic loops instead of total CPU time), and want to speed things up a bit, you can use the electron density from a cheaper calculation as a starting point.
    • KPOINTS-file: use a non-trivial k-point set. e. unless you are looking at a molecule or very large system do not use the Gamma-point only.
  1. Loop over a set of kinetic energy cut-off values.

    These should be a simple static calculation. Make sure that each of the calculations finishes successfully, otherwise you will not be able to compare results and check convergence.

  2. Collect relevant data and check the convergence behavior.
ENCUT convergence

Convergence of the kinetic energy cut-off for alpha Ce using the PBE functional and a 9x9x9 k-point grid.

In our example, we used a 9x9x9 k-point set. Looking at the example, we first of all see how smoothly the total energy varies with regard to the ENCUT parameter. In addition, it is important to note that VASP has a correction term (search for EATOM in the OUTCAR file) implemented which greatly improves the energy convergence (compare the black and red curves). Unfortunately, it also leads to non-variational convergence (i.e. the energy does not become strictly smaller with increasing cut-off) which may lead to some confusion. However, the correction term performs really well, and allows you to use a kinetic energy cut-off which is much lower than what you would need to use without. In this case, the default cut-off misses the reference energy by about 10 meV. Without the correction, a cut-off of about 540 eV (almost double) is needed. From ENCUT=300 to 800 eV, you observe a plateau, so using a higher cut-off will not improve the energy much. However, other properties, such as the calculated forces or the hessian may improve in this region. For these parameters a higher cut-off may be beneficial, and their convergence as function of ENCUT should be checked if important for your work.

2.     K-point set

Similar as for the kinetic energy cut-off, if you are working with a periodic system you should check the convergence of your k-point set. However, if you are working with molecules/clusters your Brillouin zone reduces to a single point, so your k-point set should only consist of the Gamma point and no convergence testing is needed. More importantly, if you use a larger k-point set for such systems (molecules/clusters) you introduce artificial interaction between the periodic copies which should be avoided at all cost.

For bulk materials a k-point convergence check has a similar setup as the basis set convergence check. The main difference being the fact that for these calculation the basis set is kept constant (VASP: ENCUT = default cut-off, manually set) and the k-point set is varied. As such, if you are new to quantum mechanical calculations, or start using a new code, you can combine the two convergence checks and study the convergence behavior on a 2D surface.

KPOINTS convergence

K-point convergence of alpha-Cerium using the PBE functional and ENCUT=500 eV.

In our example, ENCUT was set to 500 eV. It is clear that an extended k-point set is important for small systems, as the Gamma-point only energy can be off by several eV. This is even the case for some large systems like MOFs. An important thing to remember with regard to k-point convergence, is the fact that this convergence is not strictly declining, it may show significant oscillations overshooting and undershooting the converged value. A convergence of 1 meV or less for the entire system is a goal to aim for. An exception may be the most large systems, but even then one should keep in mind the size of the energy barriers in that system. Using flexible MOFs as an example which show a large-pore to narrow-pore transition barrier of 10-20 meV per formula unit, k-point convergence should be much below this. Otherwise your system may accidentally cross this barrier during relaxation.

The blue curve shows the number of k-points in the irreducible Brillouin zone. For standard density functional theory calculations (LDA and GGA, not hybrid functionals) this is a measure of the computational cost, as the k-points can be calculated fully independently in parallel (and yes the blue scale is a log-scale as well). Because the first orders of magnitude in accuracy are quickly crossed ( from Gamma to 6x6x6 the energy error goes from the order of eV to meV) while the number of k-points doesn’t grow that quickly (from 1 to 28). As a result, one often performs structure optimizations in a stepped fashion, starting with a coarse grid steadily increasing the grid (unless pathological behavior is expected… MOFs again…yes, they do leave you with nightmares in this regard).

3.     Conclusions

Convergence testing is necessary, in theory, for each and every new system you look into. Luckily, VASP behaves rather nicely, such that over time you will know what to expect and your convergence tests will reduce in size significantly and become more focused. In the examples above we used the total energy as a reference, but this is not always the most important aspect to consider. In some cases you should check the convergence as function of the accuracy of the forces. In that case you generally will end up with more stringent criteria as energy converges rather nicely and quickly.

May your convergence curves be smooth and quick.

MRS seminar: Topological Insulators

Bart Sorée receives a commemorative frame of the event. Foto courtesy of Rajesh Ramaneti.

Today I have the pleasure of chairing the last symposium of the year of the MRS chapter at UHasselt. During this invited lecture, Bart Sorée (Professor at UAntwerp and KULeuven, and alumnus of my own Alma Mater) will introduce us into the topic of topological insulators.

This topic became unexpectedly a hot topic as it is part of the 2016 Nobel Prize in Physics, awarded last Saturday.

This year’s Nobel prize in physics went to: David J. Thouless (1/2), F. Duncan M. Haldane (1/4) and J. Michael Kosterlitz (1/4) who received it

“for theoretical discoveries of topological phase transitions and topological phases of matter.”

On the Nobel Prize website you can find this document which gives some background on this work and explains what it is. Beware that the explanation is rather technical and at an abstract level. They start with introducing the concept of an order parameter. You may have heard of this in the context of dynamical systems (as I did) or in the context of phase transitions. In the latter context, order parameters are generally zero in one phase, and non-zero in the other. In overly simplified terms, one could say an order parameter is a kind of hidden variable (not to be mistaken for a hidden variable in QM) which becomes visible upon symmetry breaking. An example to explain this concept.

Example: Magnetization of a ferromagnet.

In a ferromagnetic material, the atoms have what is called a spin (imagine it as a small magnetic needle pointing in a specific direction, or a small arrow). At high temperature these spins point randomly in all possible directions, leading to a net zero magnetization (the sum of all the small arrows just lets you run in circles going nowhere). This magnetization is the order parameter. At the high temperature, as there is no preferred direction, the system is invariant under rotation and translations (i.e. if you shift it a bit or you rotate it, or both you will not see a difference) When the temperature is lower, you will cross what is called a critical temperature. Below this temperature all spins will start to align themselves parallel, giving rise to a non-zero magnetization (if all arrows point in the same direction, their sum is a long arrow in that direction). At this point, the system has lost the rotational invariance (because all spins point in  direction, you will know when someone rotated the system) and the symmetry is said to have broken.

Within the context of phase transitions, order parameters are often temperature dependent. In case of topological materials this is not the case. A topological material has a topological order, which means both phases are present at absolute zero (or the temperature you will never reach in any experiment no matter how hard you try) or maybe better without the presence of temperature (this is more the realm of computational materials science, calculations at 0 Kelvin actually mean without temperature as a parameter). So the order parameter in a topological material will not be temperature dependent.

Topological insulators

To complicate things, topological insulators are materials which have a topological order which is not as the one defined above 😯 —yup why would we make it easy 🙄 . It gets even worse, a topological insulator is conducting.

OK, before you run away or loose what is remaining of your sanity. A topological insulator is an insulating material which has surface states which are conducting. In this it is not that different from many other “normal” insulators. What makes it different, is that these surface states are, what is called, symmetry protected. What does this mean?

In a topological insulator with 2 conducting surface states, one will be linked to spin up and one will be linked to spin down (remember the ferromagnetism story of before, now the small arrows belong to the separate electrons and exist only in 2 types: pointing up=spin up, and pointing down=spin down). Each of these surface states will be populated with electrons. One state with electrons having spin up, the other with electrons having spin down. Next, you need to know that these states also have a real-space path let the electrons run around the edge of material. Imagine them as one-way streets for the electrons. Due to symmetry the two states are mirror images of one-another. As such, if electrons in the up-spin state more left, then the ones in the down-spin state move right. We are almost there, no worries there is a clue. Now, where in a normal insulator with surface states the electrons can scatter (bounce and make a U-turn) this is not possible in a topological insulator. But there are roads in two directions you say? Yes, but these are restricted. And up-spin electron cannot be in the down-spin lane and vice versa. As a result, a current going in such a surface state will show extremely little scattering, as it would need to change the spin of the electron as well as it’s spatial motion. This is why it is called symmetry protected.

If there are more states, things get more complicated. But for everyone’s sanity, we will leave it at this.  😎

VASP-tutor: Creating a primitive unit cell from a conventional unit cell…for a MOF.

Ball-and-stick representation of diamond.

Ball-and-stick representation of diamond in two different unit cells. Left: primitive unit cell containing two atoms. All atoms at the vertices are periodic copies of the same one. Right: Conventional cubic unit cell containing eight atoms. Atoms at opposing faces are periodic copies, while all atoms at the vertices are periodic copies of the same atom.

When performing electronic structure calculations on complex systems, you prefer to do this on systems with as few atoms as possible. Such periodic cells are called unit cells. There are, however, two types of unit cells: Primitive unit cells and conventional unit cells.

A primitive unit cell is the smallest possible periodic cell of a crystalline material, making it extremely suited for calculations. Unfortunately, it is not always the nicest unit cell to work with, as it may be difficult to recognize it’s symmetry (cf. the example of diamond on the right). The conventional unit cell on the other hand shows the symmetry more clearly, but is not (always) the smallest possible unit cell. To make matters complicated and confusing, people often refer to both types as simply “unit cell”, which is not wrong, but the term unit cell is for many uniquely associated with only one of the two types.

When you are performing calculations on diamond, the conventional cell isn’t that large that standard calculations become impossible, even on a personal laptop or desktop. On the other hand, when you are studying a Metal-Organic Framework like the UiO-66(Zr) which contains 456 atoms in its conventional unit cell, you will be very happy to use the primitive unit cell with ‘merely’ 114 atoms. Also the MIL-47/53 topology which generally is studied using a conventional unit cell containing 72/76 can be reduced to a smaller primitive unit cell of only 36/38 atoms. Just as for the diamond primitive unit cell, this MIL47/53 primitive unit cell is not a nice cubic cell. Instead you end up with a lattice having lattice angles of seventy-something degrees.

Reduction of the MIL-53 conventional cell to the primitive cell

Reduction of the MIL-53 conventional cell to the primitive cell. The conventional cell is shown, extending slightly into the periodic copies. The primitive lattice vectors are shown as colored arrows. The folded primitive cell shows there was some symmetry-breaking in the hydroxy groups of the metal-oxide chain. Introducing some additional symmetry fixes this in the final primitive cell.

How to reduce a conventional unit cell to a primitive unit cell?

Before you start, and if you are using VASP, make sure you have the POSCAR file giving the atomic positions as Cartesian coordinates. (Using the HIVE-4 toolbox: Option TF, suboption 2 (Dir->Cart).)

If you do not use VASP, you can still make use of the scheme below.

  1. Open your structure using VESTA, and save it as “VASP” file: POSCAR.vasp (FileExport Datachoose “VASP” as filetype, select Cartesian Coordinates (don’t select the Convert to Niggli reduced cell as this only works for perfect crystal symmetry)).
  2. Open the file you just saved in a text editor (e.g. notepad or notepad++). The file format is quite straight forward.  The first line is a comment line while the second is a general scale-factor, which for our current purpose can be ignored. What is important to know is that the 3rd, 4th and 5th lines give the lattice vectors (a, b, and c). The 6th and 7th line give the order, type and number of atoms for each atomic species (In VASP 5.x, the older VASP 4.x format does not have a 6th line). The 8th line should say “Cartesian”. From the 9th line onward you get the atomic coordinates.
  3. Choose 1 atom in your conventional cell which you are going to use as reference point.
  4. Get the primitive unit cell lattice vectors by generating vectors from the reference atom. (cf. figure above) Using VESTA this can be done as follows:
    1. Open your conventional cell in VESTA (if you closed it after step 1).
    2. Use the distance selector (5th symbol from the top in the left-hand-side menu) and for each of the primitive lattice vectors, select the reference atom and it’s primitive copy.
      VESTA: Select distance VESTA: Fractional Coordinates
    3. Subtract the “fractional coordinates” of the selected atoms provided by VESTA to get a “fractional” primitive vector (the primitive a vector will be called aprim,frac )
    4. Multiply each of the conventional lattice vectors(aconv, bconv, and cconv) with the corresponding component of the fractional primitive vector, and add the resulting vectors to obtain the new primitive vector:

      ⇒  aprim = axprim,frac aconv + ayprim,frac bconv + azprim,frac cconv

      So imagine that the lattice vectors of the MOF above are  a = ( 20, 0, 0),  b = ( 0, 15, 0), and c = ( 0, 0, 5). And the primitive fractional a vector is found to be aprim,frac = ( 0.5, -0.5, 0.5). In this case the aprim vector will become: aprim = ( 10, 0, 0 ) + ( 0, -7.5, 0 ) + ( 0, 0, 2.5) = (10, -7.5, 2.5).

  5. Replace the conventional lattice vectors in the POSCAR.vasp file (cf. step 2) with the new primitive lattice vectors. Save the file.
  6. Open the POSCAR.vasp in VESTA. If everything went well, and the conventional cell wasn’t the real primitive cell already, you should see a nice new primitive cell with the equivalent atoms perfectly overlapping one-another. This is also the reason to have your starting geometry in Cartesian coordinates. If you would have your atomic positions as fractional coordinates this first check will not work at all. Furthermore, you would need to calculate the new fractional coordinates of the atoms in the primitive unit cell. If all is well, you can close POSCAR.VASP in VESTA. (If something is wrong: either you did something wrong, and you should start again, or it wasn’t actually a super cell of a primitive cell you started to construct.)
  7. Get the atoms of the primitive unit cell.
    1. Because our atomic positions are in Cartesian coordinates in our initial geometry file, we now just need to make a list of single copies of equivalent atoms. Using VESTA (the original structure file you still have open from step 1) you can click on each atom you wish to keep and write down their index (this is the first number you find on the line with Cartesian coordinates) … For example: In case of the MIL53-MOF you can select all metal and oxygen atoms of 1 chain, and two linker molecules.
    2. Remove all superfluous atoms (i.e. those of which you didn’t write down the index) from the POSCAR.vasp (using your text-editor). You may want to make a backup of this file before you start :-).
    3. Update the number of atoms on the 7th line of the POSCAR.vasp file, and check that the number is correct. The conventional cell should have had an integer multiple of the number of atoms in the primitive cell. Save the final structure as POSCAR_final.vasp .
    4. The POSCAR_final.vasp should contain both the new lattice vectors and a list of atoms for a single primitive unit cell. Check this by opening the file using VESTA, and make sure you didn’t remove too many or too few atoms. If not, go back to step (a) and double check. (If you are using the HIVE4-toolbox you can first transform POSCAR_final.vasp back to direct coordinates as this may make atoms visible which nicely overlap in Cartesian coordinates: Option TF, suboption 1 (Cart->Dir)  )
  8. Congratulations you have constructed a primitive cell from a conventional cell.

 As you can see, the method is quite simple and straight forward, albeit a bit tedious if you need to do this many times.

Enjoy your primitive unit cell!


PS: Small remark for those new to VESTA. You can use delete atoms in VESTA and store your structure again. This is useful if you want to play with a molecule. Unfortunately for a solid you need also to get new lattice vectors, which did not happen. As a result you end up with some atoms floating around in a periodically repeated box with the original lattice parameters. Steps 1-5 given above provide a simple way of not ending up in this situation, but require some typing on your part.

PS 2: The opposite transformation, from a primitive unit cell to a conventional unit cell, using VESTA, is shown in this youtube video.

Modern art in research.

Which combination to take?

Although it looks a bit like a modern piece of art, it is one more attempt at trying to find an optimum combination of parameters.

I’m currently trying to find “the best choice” for U and J for a DFT+U based project… DFT??? Density Functional Theory. This is an approximate method which is used in computational materials science to calculate the quantum mechanical behavior of electrons in matter. Instead of solving the Schrödinger equation, known from any quantum mechanic course, one solves the Hohenberg-Kohn-Sham equations. In these equations it are not the electrons which play a central role (which they do in the Schrödinger equations) but the electron density. Hohenberg, Kohn and Sham were able to show that their equations give the exact same results as the Schrödinger equations. There is, however, one small caveat: you need to have an “exact” exchange-correlation functional (a functional is just a function of a function). Unfortunately there is no known analytic form for this functional, so one needs to use approximated functionals. As you probably guessed, with these approximate functionals the solution of the Hohenberg-Kohn-Sham equations is no longer an exact solution.

For some molecules or solids the error is much larger than average due to the error in the exchange-correlation functional. These systems are therefore called “strongly-correlated” systems. Over the years, several ways have been devised to solve this problem in DFT. One of them is called DFT+U. It entails adding additional coulomb interactions (Hubbard-U-potential) between the “strongly interacting electrons”. However this additional interaction depends on the system at hand, so one always needs to fit this parameter against one of more properties one is interested in. The law of conservation of misery, however, makes sure that improving one property goes hand in hand with a deterioration of another property.

Since actual DFT+U has two independent parameters (U and J, though for many systems they can be dependent reducing to a single parameter) I had quite some fun running calculations for a 21×21 grid of possible pairs. Afterward, collecting the data I wanted to use for fitting purposes took my script about 2h! 😯 Unfortunately the 10 properties of interest I wanted to fit give optimum (U,J)-pair all over the grid. In the picture above, you see my most recent attempt at trying to deal with them. It shows for the entire grid how many of the 10 properties are reasonably well fit.There are two regions which fit 6 properties; One around (U,J)=(5,10) and another around (U,J)=(8.5,17.5). There will be more work before this gives a satisfactory result, the show will go on.

BrENIAC: the new Flemish TIER-1 Supercomputer.

breniacYesterday was a good day for computational scientists in Flanders. The new TIER-1 machine, named BrENIAC, located at the university of Leuven, was inaugurated and is now officially open to all users of the Flemish university associations: UAntwerpen, VUB, UGhent, UHasselt, and KULeuven. The name refers to one of the first (super)computers ever built: ENIAC. This new machine will take over the task of the first TIER-1 machine (muk, located at the university of Ghent), which will be decommissioned at the end of this year. BrENIAC is ranked 196th in the current top 500 of supercomputers, and costs 5.5 M€. This is of course without the annual cost of power usage and technical personnel which will maintain the machine and provide support for the scientists running calculations. With its 580 compute nodes, containing 28 cores each (or 2 14-core CPU’s of the type Broadwell E5-2680v4), the number of available cores has roughly doubled. Also memory access should have improved, which gives rise to a theoretical threefold increase of the peak performance.

However, this peak performance is measured with “benchmark” tests, which tend to behave much better than real  life programs. This is because the average scientific programmer doesn’t write the best optimized code (ok, “commercial” programs these days may even behave worse :p )  for various reasons, time constraints being one of them. So my first task, before I start running my simulations on the new TIER-1 machine, will be to benchmark VASP and my own HIVE-code.

Two videos of my new sidekick:


You can see me in my front-row position in this picture taken during the non-academic part of the inauguration.

tUL Life Sciences Research Day 2016

Yesterday was the tUL Life Sciences Research Day 2016. A conference event build around finding collaboration possibilities between the University of Hasselt in Belgium and the University of Maastricht (The Netherlands)…after all tUL is the “transnational University Limburg” which brings two universities together that are only separated some 26 km, but you have to cross a national border.

Although Life sciences itself is not my personal niche, I went to look for opportunities, as nano-particles which are used for drug delivery often consist of metals or oxides. These materials on the other hand are my niche. I used my current work on MOFs as a means to show what is possible from the ab-initio point of view, and presented this as a poster.

tUL Life Science Research Day 2016 Poster

Poster presented at the tUL Life Sciences Research Day, depicting my work on the unfunctionalized and the functionalized MIL-47(V) MOF.

Mechanochemical route to the synthesis of nanostructured Aluminium nitride

Authors: S. A. Rounaghi, H. Eshghi, S. Scudino, A. Vyalikh, D. E. P. Vanpoucke, W. Gruner,
S. Oswald, A. R. Kiani Rashid, M. Samadi Khoshkhoo, U. Scheler and J. Eckert
Journal: Scientific Reports 6, 33375 (2016)
doi: 10.1038/srep33375
IF(2016): 4.259
export: bibtex
pdf: <Sci.Rep.> (open access)


Hexagonal Aluminium nitride (h-AlN) is an important wide-bandgap semiconductor material which is conventionally fabricated by high temperature carbothermal reduction of alumina under toxic ammonia atmosphere. Here we report a simple, low cost and potentially scalable mechanochemical procedure for the green synthesis of nanostructured h-AlN from a powder mixture of Aluminium and melamine precursors. A combination of experimental and theoretical techniques has been employed to provide comprehensive mechanistic insights on the reactivity of melamine, solid state metalorganic interactions and the structural transformation of Al to h-AlN under non-equilibrium ball milling conditions. The results reveal that melamine is adsorbed through the amine groups on the Aluminium surface due to the long-range van der Waals forces. The high energy provided by milling leads to the deammoniation of melamine at the initial stages followed by the polymerization and formation of a carbon nitride network, by the decomposition of the amine groups and, finally, by the subsequent diffusion of nitrogen into the Aluminium structure to form h-AlN

Colloquium on Porous Frameworks: Day 2

Program Porous Frameworks ColloquiumOn Monday, we had the second day of our colloquium on Porous Frameworks, containing no less than 4 full sessions, covering all types of frameworks. We started the day with the invited presentation of Prof. Dirk De Vos of the KU Leuven, who discussed the breathing behavior in Zr and Ti containing MOFs, including the work on the COK-69 in which I was involved myself. In the MOFs presented, the breathing behavior was shown to originate from the folding of the linkers, in contrast to breathing due to the hinging motion of the chains in MIL-47/53 MOFs.

After the transition metals, things were stepped up even further by Dr. Stefania Tanase who talked about the use of lanthanide ions in MOFs. These lanthanides give rise to coordinated water molecules which appear to be crucial to their luminescence. Prof. Donglin Jiang, of JAIST in Japan, changed the subject to the realm of COFs, consisting of 2D porous sheets which, through Van Der Waals interactions form 3D structures (similar to graphite). The tunability of these materials would make them well suited for photoconductors and photoenergy conversion (i.e. solar cells).

With Prof. Rochus Schmid of the University of Bochum we delved into the nitty-gritty details of developing Force-Fields for MOFs. He noted that such force-fields can provide good first approximations for structure determination of new MOFs, and if structure related terms are missing in the force-field these will pop up as missing phonon-frequencies.

Prof. Monique Van der Veen showed us how non-polar guest molecules can make a MOF polar, while Agnes Szecsenyi bravely tackled the activity in Iron based MIL-53 MOFs from the DFT point of view. The row of 3 TU Delft contributions was closed by the invited presentation of Prof. Jorge Gascon who provided an overview of the work in his group and discussed how the active sites in MOFs can be improved through cooperative effects.

Prof. Jaroslaw Handzlik provided the last invited contribution, with a comparative theoretical study of Cr-adsorption on various silicate based materials (from amorphous silicate to zeolites). The final session was then closed by the presentations of Dr. Katrine Svane (Bath University) who discussed the effect of defects in UiO-66 MOFs in further detail and Marcus Rose presenting his findings on hyper-crosslinked Polymers, a type of COFs with an amorphous structure and a wide distribution in different pore sizes.

This brought us to a happy end of a successful colloquium, which was celebrated with a drink in the city center of Groningen. Tuesday we traveled back home, such that Wednesday Sylvia could start at the third part of the conference-holiday roller coaster by leaving for Saltzburg.

Colloquium on Porous Frameworks: Day 1

Program Porous Frameworks ColloquiumToday the CMD26 conference started in Groningen, and with its kick-off also our own 2-day colloquium on porous frameworks (aka MOFs, COFs and Zeolites) was launched. During the two sessions of the day, the focus mainly went out to the Zeolites, with Prof. Emiel Hensen of the Technical university of Eindhoven introducing us to the subject and discussing how new zeolites could be designed in a more rational way. He showed us how the template used during synthesis plays a crucial role in the final growth and structure. Dr. Nakato explained how alkali-metal nanoclusters can undergo insulator to metal transitions when incorporated in zeolites (it is due to the competition between electron-electron repulsion and electron-phonon coupling), while Dr. De Wijs informed us on how Al T-sites need to be ordered and assigned in zeolites to allow for the prediction of NMR parameters.

After the coffee break Dr. Palcic, from the Rudjer Boskovic Institute in Croatia, taught us about the role of heteroatoms in zeolites. She told us that even though more than 2 million theoretical structures exist, only 231 have officially been recognized as having been synthesized, so there is a lot more work to be done. She also showed that to get stable zeolites with pores larger than 7-8 Angstrom one needs to have 3 and 4-membered rings in the structure, since these lead to more rigid configurations. Unfortunately these rings are themselves less stable, and need to be stabilized by different atoms at the T-sites.

Dr. Vandichel, still blushing from his tight traveling scheme, changed the subject from zeolites to MOFs, in providing new understanding in the role of defects in MOFs on their catalytic performance. Dr. Liu changed the subject even further with the introduction of COFs and showing us how Hydrogen atoms migrate through these materials. Using the wisdom of Bruce Lee :

You must be shapeless, formless, like water. When you pour water in a cup, it becomes the cup. When you pour water in a bottle, it becomes the bottle. When you pour water in a teapot, it becomes the teapot.

he clarified how water behaves inside these porous materials. Our first colloquium day was closed by Ir. Rohling, who took us back to the zeolite scene (although he was comparing the zeolites to enzymes). He discussed how reactivity in zeolites can be tweaked by the confinement of the reacting agents, and how this can be used for molecule identification. More importantly he showed how multiple active site collaborate, making chemical reactions much easier than one would expect from single active site models.

After all was said and done, it was time to relax a little during the conference welcome reception. And now time to prepare for tomorrow, day 2 of our colloquium on porous frameworks.


Holiday-Conference roller coaster

Visit to Stockholm. The knight at the Medeltidsmuseet (top left), brown bear in Skansen (top right), visiting the Royal palace (bottom left) and local entertainment in the old city center (bottom right).

Visit to Stockholm. The knight at the Medeltidsmuseet (top left), brown bear in Skansen (top right), visiting the Royal palace (bottom left) and local entertainment in the old city center (bottom right).

Summertime is a time of rest for most people. For our little academic family, last summer was a bit of a roller coaster; alternating holidays with hard work which had been postponed too much. The last vestige of my start of a new chapter (moving the remaining stuff from the apartment to our house) was finally bested. Now the conference roller coaster has started with Sylvia’s plenary lecture on conceptual spaces in Stockholm.

As neither of us ever visited Sweden before, we decided to turn it into a semi-family-holiday as well. Our 4-year-old son enjoyed his first ever plane flight (he wasn’t really convinced something impressive was going on). And while Sylvia was of to the conference, the two of us went to explore Stockholm: Finding the knight in the Medeltidsmuseet (at the left in the back of this beautiful museum 🙂 ) and searching for the king and queen at their palace (they weren’t there 🙁 ). Or visiting one of the oldest open-air musea; Skansen (similar to Bokrijk in Belgium) where we saw old professions at work (making cheese for example) and native Scandinavian farm and wild animals (from peacocks to brown bears).

Next weekend starts the next episode of the conference roller-coaster with me hosting a 2-day colloquium on porous frameworks together with Bartek Szyja and Ionut Tranca at the CMD-26 conference in Groningen. We have a nicely packed colloquium with about 20 presentations (8 invited and 12 contributed) covering the whole realm of porous materials from zeolites to COFs and MOFs. The program of the colloquium can be downloaded below:Program Porous Frameworks Colloquium